Android Meet Changelog
It typically includes information about new features, bug fixes, and other updates that have been made. The format of a changelog can vary, but it is usually organized in reverse chronological order, with the most recent changes listed first.Bug Fixes in Chat SDK Bug Fixes in Chat SDK Bug fixes in getUserProfile method. Bug fixes in call SDK. Bug fixes in call SDK. Bug fixes in call SDK. Improvements in leaveGroup method. Bug fixes in leaveGroup method.
- Login with QR code feature methods added. check here for more details.
- Added callback methods for deleting messages and clearing conversations in MessageEventListener. check here for more details.
- updated the callback method for the MuteStatus in MuteEventListener. check here for more details.
- Bug fixes in chatSdk.
- Improvements in chatSdk.
- Mute notificaiton feature support in multisession with the new listener. check here for more details.
- Added support for file and content encryption in the backup file to enhance data security. check here for more details
- Bug Fixes in Call SDK.
- Improvements in Profile status feature. check here for more details.
- Improvements in contact sync.
- Bug Fixes in Call SDK.
- The onLoggedOut() callback has been removed when the user logs out using the FlyCore.logoutOfChatSDK() method.
- Bug fixes in Media Upload & Download.
- Bug fixes in network libraries.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- ChatSDK.setMaximumPinningForRecentChat() method was deprecated, use ChatManager.setMaximumPinningForRecentChat() instead
- ChatSDK.getMaximumRecentPinChatCount() method was deprecated, use ChatManager.getMaximumRecentPinChatCount() instead
- Flycore.deleteRecentChat() method was deprecated, use ChatManager.deleteRecentChats() instead
- Improvements in unread count feature.
- Enhanced third-party dependency management.
- Added support for the special character '&' when adding participants to a group.
- The RequestTokenInterceptor and TokenAuthenticator classes are no longer available and have been moved to internal. As a result, these classes can no longer be accessed in the sample app. Please refer to our sample apps for further guidance.
- Bug fixes in lib phonenumber and HyperLog libraries.
- Bug fixes in message pagination methods loadNextMessage() and loadPreviousMessage() to use 'inclusive' param.
7.13.4New Feature
- A new metadata parameter of type CallMetadata was added to all makeCall methods to support sending additional call data.
- CallMetadata is now available as parameter in MissedCallListener,CallHelper,CallNameHelper Interface
7.13.3New Feature
- The Media Private Storage feature has been implemented. check here for more details.
- Bug fixes in Calls reconnection offline state.
- Bug fixes in update Profile.
- Improvements in Recent chats pagination.
- Bug Fixes in Call SDK.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- Introduced new method and delegate to detect the changes in the call quality, check here for more details.
- All third-party libraries have been updated
- Call reconnection issue fixes
- Performance improvement
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK
- Bug fixes in XMPP Configuration.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- library update to handle DNS issue.
- Improvements in handling call server connection errors.
- Added FlyException object in the following methods callback with breaking changes, to handle the errors occurred during call connectivity.
- CallManager.makeVoiceCall()
- CallManager.makeVideoCall()
- CallManager.makeGroupVoiceCall()
- CallManager.makeGroupVideoCall()
- CallManager.answerCall()
- CallManager.inviteUsersToOngoingCall()
- Removed CallManager.init() method from the Mirrorfly SDK. Now SDK, internally handles the Call SDK initialisation
- Improvements in call disconnect.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- Bug fixes in Chat History and Media Forward.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- Bug fixes in Chat SDK.
- loadLocalMessages() method is no longer available. Instead, use this loadMessages() method.
- loadLocalNextMessages() method is no longer available. Instead, use this loadNextMessages() method.
- loadLocalPreviousMessages() method is no longer available. Instead, use this loadPreviousMessages() method.
7.11.5- Improvement in call reconnection.
7.11.4- Android 14 Migration.
7.11.3- Bug Fixes in Chat SDK.
7.11.2- The email field now supports these symbols %+!$&# on profileUpdate.
- Updates in ContactManager.updateMyProfile() response data.
- Bug fixes in chat history.
7.11.0New Feature
- ChatSDK now supports EditMessage feature. Check out our official documentation here
7.10.0New Feature
- ChatSDK now supports large file uploads and downloads along with pause and resume capability, By calling the new method FlyMessenger.sendMediaFileMessage() while sending media files we can utilise those features
- FlyMessenger.sendFileMessage() method was deprecated, use FlyMessenger.sendMediaFileMessage() instead
- Improvements in User Busy Status feature. Check out our official documentation here
7.9.1New Feature
- Revoke admin in Group has been newly introduced in SDK. If you are a admin, you can revoke the admin access of a user from a group to a normal user by using the GroupManager.revokeAdmin(GROUP_JID, REVOKE_ADMIN_JID, LISTENER) method.
Improvements in LeaveGroup method, please check here
7.9.0New Feature
- Meet message has been newly introduced in SDK. You can send a meet message by using the FlyMessenger.sendMeetMessage() method.
- Bug fixes in the calls and chat.
7.8.2Improvements in Meet feature
- createMeetLink response updated.
Added mediaFileUrl
key in the MediaChatMessage
class to get the url of the media file in chat SDK.
7.8.0New Feature
- Initial Release