Home » Tutorials » Build A React Native Chat App with MirrorFly SDK: A Step-by-step Guide


In this tutorial, I will walk you through the complete process of integrating the MirrorFly Chat SDK into your React Native app. With our React Native Chat SDK, you can create a real-time chat app within just 10 Mins.

Moving forward, we'll cover the following steps:

  • Install the SDK
  • Initialize SDK
  • Register users
  • Connect to the MirrorFly server
  • Send and receive messages

Before you begin, please ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node: 14.20.0
  • npm: 6.14.10
  • react-native: 0.69.12

Now, let's begin the integration.

Get Started

  • Go to the MirrorFly Console Page.
  • Create your MirrorFly account
  • build react native chat app
  • Install the npm dependencies

                        "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.17.7",//Any version
                        "react-native-get-random-values": "1.7.1",//must use version >=1.7.1
                        "react-native-document-picker" :"8.1.1",// must use version >=8.1.1
                        'realm': "^10.8.0",
                        'react-native-fs':  "^2.18.0",
                        '@react-native-community/netinfo': "^8.0.0",
                        'moment': "2.29.4",
                        'rn-fetch-blob': "^0.12.0",
                        'react-native-compressor': "1.6.1",
                        'react-native-convert-ph-asset': "^1.0.3",
                        'react-native-mov-to-mp4' :"^0.2.2"

Now, the integration begins.

Step 1 : Install Dependencies

  • Begin by updating your package.json files.
  • Carefully check for any duplicate packages. This is particularly crucial if you encounter issues on iOS.

                           npm install 

Step 2 : Copy SDK Files

  • Go to the dist folder of the MirrorFly Chat SDK and copy all the extracted files.
  • Create a new directory in your React Native project and paste all the copied SDK files into it.

Step 3 : Create SDK.js

  • Inside your project, create a new file named SDK.js.
  • Import the SDK into the SDK.js file:

                    import './index';
                    const SDK = window.SDK;
                    export default SDK;

Step 4 : Initialize Chat SDK

Now that you've successfully integrated the SDK into your project, it's time to initialize it.

  • To achieve this, you'll be using the initializeSDK method.
  • Paste the license key you obtained in the Get Started section on the licensekey param.

                     const initializeObj = {
                         apiBaseUrl: `API_URL`,
                         licenseKey: `LICENSE_KEY`,
                         isTrialLicenseKey: `TRIAL_MODE`,
                         callbackListeners: {},
                     await SDK.initializeSDK(initializeObj);  

Step 5 : Register a User

To utilize the chat functionality, you must first register a user. Use the register method for this purpose:

                         await SDK.register(`USER_IDENTIFIER`); 

Upon successful registration, you will receive a response containing a username and password, which are essential for connecting to the server.

Sample Response

                         statusCode: 200,
                         message: "Success",
                         data: {
                         username: "123456789",
                         password: "987654321"

Step 6 : Connect to MirrorFly Server

Utilize the credentials acquired during registration to establish a connection to the MirrorFly server. You can achieve this by using the connect method:

                   await SDK.connect(`USERNAME`, `PASSWORD`);

Sample Response

                         message: "Login Success", 
                         statusCode: 200 

Step 7 : Send a Message

To send a message to another user, employ the sendTextMessage method:

                   await SDK.sendTextMessage(`TO_USER_JID`, `MESSAGE_BODY`,`MESSAGE_ID`,`REPLY_TO`);

Ensure that you provide the JID of the recipient, the message body, a unique message ID, and an optional reference to the message being replied to.

Sample Response

                         "message": "",// String - Success/Error Message 
                         "statusCode": "" // Number - status code 

Step 8 : Receive a Message

To receive messages from other users, implement the messageListener function. This function will be triggered each time you receive a new message. You can add this callback method during the initialization process.

                      function messageListener(response) {
                         console.log("Message Listener", response);

Step 9 : Get Recent Chats

To get the recent chat list on your app, you need to add the following code:

                      await SDK.getRecentChatsDB();

Sample Response

                         "message": "",// String - Success/Error Message 
                         "statusCode": "" // Number - status code 
                         "data": [ 
                             "chatType": "chat", 
                             "createdAt": "2023-09-06 10:52:46", 
                             "deleteStatus": 0, 
                             "fromUserId": "", // String - fromUserId 
                             "msgBody": { 
                               "nickName": "", 
                               "mid": "",// String - user mid 
                               "message": "",// String - User Text Mesaage 
                               "message_type": "",// String - User Text Mesaage Type 
                               "replyTo": "", 
                               "mentionedUsersIds": "" 
                             "msgId": "",// String - user msgId 
                             "msgStatus": 1, 
                             "msgType": "",// String - msgType 
                             "muteStatus": 0, 
                             "publisherId": "",// String - user Number 
                             "timestamp":"",// number timestamp 
                             "toUserId": "", 
                             "unreadCount": 0, 
                             "userId": "",// String - userId 
                             "userJid": "",// String - userJid 
                             "profileDetails": { 
                               "nickName": "",// String - User Name 
                               "image": "",// String - image 
                               "status": "",//String - User status 
                               "colorCode": "#7b0b88", 
                               "userId": "",// String - userId 
                               "userJid": "",// String - userJid 
                               "email": "",//String - User Email-Id 
                               "mobileNumber": "",//String - User mobile number 
                               "isAdminBlocked": 0 

Step 10 : Message Receipts

To get the message seen status, you’ll need to use the following method:

                      await SDK.sendSeenStatus(`TO_USER_JID`, `MESSAGE_ID`);

Step 11 : Delete Message For The Sender

To delete a message sent from the sender’s end, you’ll need to use the following code:

                     await SDK.deleteMessagesForMe(`TO_JID`, `MESSAGE_IDS`);

Sample Response

                          statusCode: "", // Number - status code
                           message: "", // String - Success/Error Message

Step 12 : Delete Message For Both Sender & Receiver

To delete a message sent from both the sender and recipient’s end, you’ll need to use the following code:

                     await SDK.deleteMessagesForEveryone(`TO_JID`, `MESSAGE_IDS`);

Sample Response

                         statusCode: "", // Number - status code 
                         message: "", // String - Success/Error Message 

Step 13 : Push Notifications

To enable push notifications, you need to integrate Firebase into your app. Follow the steps below to achieve this:

  • Go to the firebase console and create a new project with your app package name. Ex: com.testapp
  • Next, download the google-service.json
  • Go to your /android/app/ folder in your App and add the google-service.json file.

React Native Firebase Installation

Install the firebase package for react native using the following code:

Using NPM

                        npm install --save @react-native-firebase/app

Using Yarn

                     yarn add @react-native-firebase/app 

Add Firebase Configurations To Android

You must enable the google-services plugin to allow Firebase to use the credentials in Android.

To do this, you’ll need to modify 2 files in the Android directory.

  • You need to add the google-services plugin as a dependency inside of your /android/build.gradle file

                           buildscript { 
                               dependencies { 
                                   // ... other dependencies 
                                   classpath ("com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.15") 
                                   // Add me --- /\ 

  • Next, add the following to the /android/app/build.gradle file to execute the file.

                           apply plugin: 'com.android.application' 
                           apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services' // <- Add this line  

Lastly, Add the following to your AndroidManifest.xml file and execute the plugin.

                           <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/>

Register User with FCM token

                       import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging'; 
                       const fcmToken = await messaging().getToken(); 
                       await SDK.register('USER_IDENTIFIER', 'FCM_TOKEN'); 

Sample Response

                       statusCode: 200, 
                       message: "Success", 
                       data: { 
                         username: "123456789", 
                         password: "987654321" 

Configuration For Background Message Handling

Add the following code to the index.js file.

                     import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging'; 
                     const fcmToken = await messaging().getToken(); 
                     await SDK.register('USER_IDENTIFIER', 'FCM_TOKEN'); 

Sample Response

                   msgType: "", // String - value "receiveMessage" 
                   chatType: "", // String - Chat Type - "chat" - Single 
                   publisherJid: "", // String - Jid - One Who Sends the Message 
                   publisherId: "", // String - Id - One Who Sends the Message 
                   fromUserJid: "", // String - From User Jid - 
                                   // Will Be Same as PublisherJid in Case of Single Chat 
                   fromUserId: "", // String - From User Id 
                   toUserJid: "", // String - Jid - One Who Receives the Message 
                   toUserId: "", // String - To User Id - One Who Receives the Message 
                   metaData: {}, //Object - Meta data for the message 
                   msgBody: { 
                     message: "", // String - Message Body 
                     message_type: "", // String - Message Type text, image, video, audio & file 
                     nickName: "", // String - User Nickname 
                     mentionedUsersIds: [] // Array - Mentioned Ids In case of Group 
                     media: { // For Media Message Only 
                       androidHeight: 0, 
                       androidWidth: 0, 
                       audioType: "" // String - "file" or "recording" 
                       caption: "", // String - Media Caption 
                       duration: "", // String - Duration - For Audio/Videos 
                       fileName: "", // String - File Name 
                       file_key: "", // String - File Key 
                       file_size: "", // Number - File Size 
                       file_url: "", // String - File Url 
                       is_downloaded: "", // Number - Downloaded Status 
                       is_uploading: "", // Number - Uploading Status 
                       local_path: "", // String - Local Path 
                       msgId: "", // String - Message Id 
                       originalHeight: 0, // Number 
                       originalWidth: 0, // Number 
                       thumb_image: "", // Base64 - Thumb Image 
                       webHeight: 0, // Number 
                       webWidth: 0, // Number 
                   msgId: "", // String - Message Id 
                   topicId: "", //String - Topic Id for the message 
                   msgStatus: "", // Number - Message Status 
                   timestamp: 1681185232284, // Number - TimeStamp - Milliseconds 
                         email: "", // String 
                         fromUser: "", // String 
                         image: "", // String - File Url 
                         mobileNumber: "", // String 
                         nickName: "", // String 
                         status: "", // String 
                         thumbImage: "", // Base64 - Thumb Image 
                         userId: "", // String 


Now, we’ve come to the end of this Tutorial. To give a quick recap, you came across the complete steps to add chat functionality to your React native app using MirrorFly SDK. Next, you’ve learnt the steps to add features like send/ receive messages, chat receipts and push notifications (by integrating firebase).

So yes, now you have all the steps to build a React Native chat app.

If you have any questions on these steps, you can directly contact our tech support team or you can refer to our Documentation.

Integrate Our Chat SDK In Just 10 Mins!

Add chat features to your Flutter apps - in 10 minutes - with just a few lines of code.

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  • chat api
  • video call api
  • voice call
  • sip voip
  • sdk


1. What is the best chat SDK for react?

The best chat SDK for React is MirrorFly as it offers seamless integration capabilities, low latency, and provides access to a wide range of features like instant messaging, one-to-one and group video calls, topic-based chats, multi-platform support, andaudio calling.

Plus, its low-code SDKs come packed with pre-built UI kits to create powerful chat app interfaces.

2. How to implement chat in React Native?

Follow the below steps to add chats in React Native:

Step 1 : Set up your IDE for React Native and install the required dependencies.

Step 2 : Upon installation, initialize the SDK.

Step 3 : Create user accounts for your chat app.

Step 4 : Design UI for your app or use pre-built UI kits.

Step 5 : Call methods to transfer messages between peers.

Step 6 : Add required features or customize the chat app.

Step 7 : Test and deploy.

3. Is React Native frontend or backend?

React Native is a frontend framework that can be used to build cross-platform mobile apps using JS and React. While it is used to create stunning user interfaces and add specific features within apps, it can also interact with backend servers and APIs.

4. Why is React Native so popular?

React Native has gained popularity among the developer community for its exquisite features like cross-platform compatibility, near-native performances, hot reloading, code reusability, and minimal load time.

5. What are the disadvantages of React Native?

Some of the disadvantages of React Native includes:

Step 1 : Limited API access

Step 2 : Performance limitations

Step 3 : Needs a learning curve

Step 4 : High-reliance on 3rd-party libraries

Step 5 : Platform-specific inconsistencies


Ready to Integrate React Native Chat into Any App in < 10 Mins?

Drive 1 billion + conversations on any Android, iOS, or Web app with 500+ chat features & 100+ UI components.

  • Topic-based Chat
  • Upload Large Files
  • Multi-tenancy support
  • Lite Chat App
  • Hire Dedicated Team
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