Just focus on driving customer engagement on your telecom app, while we build the entire communication infrastructure you need for it!
Deliver calls over SIP or VoIP. With only internet connectivity, users can make and receive calls from anywhere in the world. More Info
Drive millions of conversations on your telecom app with MirrorFly’s video, voice, and chat features on any mobile or web app. More Info
Add multiple services to your existing app where users can access diverse functionalities, without leaving the app.
Manage & monetize your telecom app with 1000+ OTT streaming and live broadcasting features plus 9+ monetization models.
With MirrorFly’s ready-made solution, launch a custom communication app in next 48 hours.
Super apps are gaining tremendous traction among users. Add multiple services to your telecom apps, and convert them into a super-app easily.
Still stuck with the same features? Add multiple services to your platform and turn your app into a feature-rich super-app, without any hassle
Migrate from your private datacenter or cloud to any of our cloud partners, including Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or Oracle.
Got an app already? Leverage our cloud solution & add pre-built tools that can power your telecom apps with the real-time communication features you need.
Build your own custom telecom app for corporate communication with features for real-time engagement, collaboration, and user management.
Your app has to be friendly to meet user expectations and engagement. Leave it to us to redesign and improve your app’s UI to achieve desired outcomes.
- override fun onCreate() {
- super.onCreate();
- //activity to open when use clicked from notification
- //activity to open when a user logout from the app.
- ChatManager.startActivity = MainActivity::class.java
- //for chat logging
- LogMessage.enableDebugLogging(BuildConfig.DEBUG)
- .....
- }
- FlyCore.registerUser(USER_IDENTIFIER, FCM_TOKEN) { isSuccess, throwable, data ->
- if(isSuccess) {
- val responseObject = data.get("data") as JSONObject
- // Get Username, password and Auth token from the object
- } else {
- // Register user failed print throwable to find the exception details.
- }
- }
- ChatManager.makeXMPPConnection()
- const SDK = window.SDK;
- export default SDK;
- import SDK from "./SDK";
- const initializeObj = {
- xmppSocketHost:`HOST`,
- xmppSocketPort:`PORT`,
- ssl `SSL`,
- encryptKey:`ENCRYPT_KEY`,
- apiBaseUrl:`API_URL`,
- licenseKey:`LICENSE_KEY`,
- isSandbox:`SANDBOX_MODE`,
- callbackListeners:{},
- signalServer:`SIGNAL_SERVER`,
- janusUrl:`JANUS_URL`,
- };
- await SDK.initializeSDK(initializeObj);
- await SDK.register(`USER_IDENTIFIER`);
- await SDK.login(`USERNAME`, `PASSWORD`);
- let groupConfig = try? GroupConfig.Builder
- .enableGroupCreation(groupCreation: true)
- .onlyAdminCanAddOrRemoveMembers(adminOnly: true)
- .setMaximumMembersInAGroup(membersCount: 200)
- .build()
- ChatSDK.Builder.enableContactSync(isEnable: true)
- .setDomainBaseUrl(baseUrl: "YOUR API BASE URL")
- .setMaximumPinningForRecentChat(maxPinChat: 4)
- .setGroupConfiguration(groupConfig: groupConfig!)
- .deleteMediaFromDevice(delete: true)
- .setAppGroupContainerID(containerID: "YOUR GROUP CONTAINER ID")
- .buildAndInitialize()
- ChatManager.shared.initialize(username: USERNAME, secretKey:SECRET_KEY, xmppDomain: XMPP_DOMAIN, xmppPort: XMPP_PORT)
- ChatManager.makeXMPPConnection()
Ship fully-featured Calls & Chat into any mobile or web app with our flexible chat SDK & video call api that can seamlessly work with any framework, platform and programming language.
MirrorFly is the top choice for telecom businesses looking to create highly engaging telecommunication apps without breaking the bank.
Get in touch with our experts and start delivering in-app chat experiences on your telecom customers with MirrorFly.
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