API change log

It typically includes information about new features, bug fixes, and other updates that have been made. The format of a changelog can vary, but it is usually organized in reverse chronological order, with the most recent changes listed first.


New Features

  • Chat - Introduced new API's to get chat info by chatId and topicId


New Features

  • Chat - Introduced new API's chat recent and chat conversations for admin monitoring
  • Topic - URL changes in the topic based chat API's


New Features

  • Topic - Introduced new API's for admin recent chat and chat history.


  • Chat - Introduced new API's for chat archive, unarchive, and fetching the archived chat list.
  • Chat - Introduced new param 'messageTime' in chat recent API to fetch chats after the given epoch timestamp.
  • Chat - Introduced new param 'messageId' in send message API to edit the send message.


  • User - Create User API "email" param will accepts special characters like !#$%&+
  • Chat - Create topic API added license key param associate with topics
  • Chat - Introduced new API to retrieve topics associated with the current user license key and optionally specified User ID


  • User - Introduced new API to fetch blocked by users list
  • User - Introduced new API's to fetch call logs and create room
  • Group - Introduced new parm 'metaData' to add 3 more additional meta information in create and update API's
  • Group - MetaData is added in getGroupList and groupDetails API response


  • User - Introduced new APIs to block/unblock a user
  • Chat - A new API introduced to get the unread messages count
  • Chat - Introduced new param 'exclude' to exclude specific types of messages in the recent chat api


  • Admin - A new API introduced to reset user password
  • Chat - isLargeFile param added in media object of recent and history chat API responses
  • Chat - auto_text message type is hanlded in recent and history chat API responses


  • Chat - A new API introduced to create topics
  • Chat - A new API introduced to fetch topics data
  • Chat - Introduced topicId in sendMessage API
  • Chat - Introduced topicId based search in recent and history chat APIs and response updated to include topicId
  • User - Introduced APIs to fetch and update the logged in user metadata
  • Admin - Introduced APIs to fetch and update the users metadata


  • User - A new API introduced to fetch blocked users list


  • Chat - Added mentions support in send message API through message/caption inputs
  • Chat - Added additional param in chat history api response for total count. This will be usefull to get total no.of records when searching with messageId
  • Group - License key filter introduced in create, update and get group lists APIs
  • Group - isAdmin param included in the get group members API response
  • Admin - A new parameter licenseKey introduced in usersList API


  • Group - Leave group and delete group APIs introduced


  • Chat - Recent and History API responses updated to include epoch timestamp and mentions


  • Admin - Device token update API introduced


  • Introduced the Delete Message API in User API Chat for User/Group messages by Logged-In User
  • User - API to get users online presence users/presence introduced
  • Chat - Data export api to download users chat data introduced


  • Admin - User/Delete User Account API


  • User - Create/Update user APIs updated to include meta data in request
  • User - Get user details API response updated to include meta data
  • User - Introduced the meta data based search in get userList API and response updated to include meta data
  • Chat - Read all API introduced to update all unread messages of login user to be read
  • Chat - Reply message feature added in send message API
  • Chat - Reply to property added in the response of chat history API


  • Added the Profile Thumbnail in User's API Responses
  • Profile Thumbnail will be listed in Get User Details, Update User Details, Create User and Get User List APIs
  • Chat - Recent chats and Chat History


  • Added the Media Message in existing Send a message API
  • Introduced the Download Media Message API for Sent Media Message
  • User - Delete My Account API
  • Chat - Migration API introduced (For Admin only)


  • Implemented the Group Delete API for the both User and Admin