Let's Integrate our Chat SDK Android in Few Minutes

Quick Start#

MirrorFly Chat SDK V3 is released. Check out our latest Chat SDK V3 here.

To migrate from MirrorFly Chat SDK V2 to V3 please follow the Migration guide steps.

Chat SDKs for Android#

With CONTUS MirrorFly Chat SDK for Android, you can easily add real-time chat features to your client app within 30 minutes.

Through our client SDK, you can initialize and configure chat into your app with minimal efforts.

Note : If you're looking for the fastest way to build your app’s UI with MirrorFly Chat SDKs, you can use our sample apps. To get our sample apps, click here

Getting Started#


The requirements for chat SDK for Android are:

  • Android Lollipop 5.0 (API Level 21) or above
  • Java 7 or higher
  • Gradle 4.1.0 or higher

Things To Be Noted Before You Get Started#

SDK License Key#

To integrate MirrorFly Chat SDK into your app, you will need a SDK License Key. The MirrorFly server will use this license key to authenticate the SDK in your application.

To get the License Key,#

Step 1: Register here to get a MirrorFly User account. Registration is subject to verification and would take up to 24 hours.

Step 2: Login to your Account

Step 3: Get the License key from the application Info’ section


Integrate the Chat SDK#

Step 1: Create a new project or Open an existing project in Android Studio

Step 2: If using Gradle 6.8 or higher, add the following code to your settings.gradle file. If using Gradle 6.7 or lower, add the following code to your root build.gradle file. See this release note to learn more about updates to Gradle.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://repo.mirrorfly.com/release"


Step 3: Add the following dependencies in the app/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
implementation 'com.mirrorfly.sdk:mirrorflysdk:7.5.0'

Step 4: Add the below line in the gradle.properties file, to avoid imported library conflicts.


Step 5: Open the AndroidManifest.xml and add below permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Initialize Chat SDK#

To start using the sdk, there is a need for some basic requirements before proceeding with the initialization process. Thus, the ChatSDK builder class is used to provide the necessary data to the SDK. In your Application class, inside the onCreate() method use the below ChatSDK Builder to provide the necessary data.

new ChatSDK.Builder()
.setLicenseKey(LICENSE_KEY) //Please enter your license key

Chat Builder Function Description#

FunctionParameter TypeDescription
setDomainBaseUrlStringUrl is provided to make API calls
setLicenseKeyStringLicense key is required to proceed with registration
setIsTrialLicenceKeybooleanIf the provided license key is for trial version, display the text as ‘true’ else ‘false’
buildn/aInitializes the chat configuration

The base URL must have the Http/Https protocol which must be closed with a ‘slash (/)’, if not an exception - a bug message will pop up.


The below method to register a user in sandbox Live mode based on setIsTrialLicenceKey provided.


Unless you log out the session, make a note that should never call the registration method more than once in an application

Note: While registration, the below registerUser method will accept the FCM_TOKEN, FORCE_REGISTER, USER_TYPE and LIST<METADATA> as an optional param and pass it across.

FlyCore.registerUser(USER_IDENTIFIER, (isSuccess, throwable, data ) -> {
if(isSuccess) {
Boolean isNewUser = (Boolean) data.get("is_new_user");
JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) data.get("data");
// Get Username and password from the object
} else {
// Register user failed print throwable to find the exception details.
USER_IDENTIFIERStringA unique Id to Register the User. We accept only the AlphaNumeric String
FCM_TOKENStringA registration token that is generated by FCM SDK for the user's app instance to send message for free
FORCE_REGISTERbooleandefault value true provide true to force the logout of the old session If the registered user has reached the maximum no of multi-sessions or provide false to allow registration till the maximum no of multi-sessions
USER_TYPEStringtype of the user
META_DATAList<MetaData>list of key - value pair of metadata object. Maximum size is 3
CALLBACKFlyCallbackFlyCallback is used as a callback, implemented and expressed as lambda expression for easy reading

If FORCE_REGISTER is false and it reached the maximum no of multi-sessions then registration will not succeed it will throw a 405 exception, Either FORCE_REGISTER should be true or one of the existing session need to be logged out to continue registration.

Connect to the Chat Server#

Once Registration was successful, ChatSDK automatically attempts to connect to the Chat Server and ChatSDK also observe the changes in application lifecycle, and accordingly it will try to connect and disconnect the Chat Server.

Observe Connection Events#

Once the ChatConnectionListener has been set, you will be able to receive the connection status in the callback method as mentioned below.

ChatManager.setConnectionListener(new ChatConnectionListener() {
public void onConnected() {
// Write your success logic here to navigate Profile Page or
// To Start your one-one chat with your friends
public void onDisconnected() {
// Connection disconnected
public void onConnectionFailed(@NonNull FlyException e) {
// Connection Not authorized or Unable to establish connection with server
public void onReconnecting() {
// Automatic reconnection enabled
CALLBACKChatConnectionListenercallback listener for chat connection


Some of the most common terminologies used in Chat SDK with description

userID/userBareIDUnique ID assigned for each user Ex: 12345678 (any alphanumeric). The below characters is not allowed in userId: U+0022 (") U+0026 (&) U+0027 (') U+002F (/) U+003A (:) U+003C (<) U+003E (>) U+0040 (@) userID should follow below specification: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0106.html
userJid (or) JIDuserID+@+domain of the chat server Ex. 12345678@xmpp.chatsystem.dev.contus.us
groupID/groupBareIDUnique ID assigned for each group Ex: group123456 (any alphanumeric). GroupJID = groupID +@mix.+domain of the chat server Ex: group123456@mix.xmpp.mirrorfly.dev.contus.us`

SDK will have built-in functions to prepare the JID, Group JID, and more.

Send a One-to-One Message#

Use the below method to send a text message to other user,

Note: To generate a unique user id, you must call the other user's username method String userJID = FlyUtils.getJid(USERNAME)

FlyMessenger.sendTextMessage(TO_JID, TEXT, new SendMessageListener() {
public void onResponse(boolean isSuccess, @Nullable ChatMessage chatMessage) {
// you will get the message sent success response
TO_JIDStringJID of the end user
TEXTStringIndicates the text message that needs to be sent
REPLY_MESSAGE_IDStringSpecifies the Message ID of replied message
CALLBACKSendMessageListenercallback to observe the action status

Receive a One-to-One Message#

You need to initialise observer MessageEventsListener to recieve any message and observe all the incoming messages sent to you.

ChatEventsManager.setupMessageEventListener(new MessageEventsListener() {
public void onMessageReceived(@NotNull ChatMessage message) {
//called when the new message is received

Moreover, here the listeners would be called only when a new message is received from other user. To get more details please visit this callback listeners

public void onMessageReceived(@NonNull ChatMessage message) {
// received message object