VoIP Beginner’s Guide: What Is VoIP & How Does It Work?

Published On July 16th, 2024 Tech Talks

Will you believe me if I say you can just zoom your calls over the internet to your families and friends, wherever they are, by just dialing their number? 

Well yes, thanks to VoIP phone technology that has bid goodbye to the jumbled cords and jaw-dropping phone bills that surely ought to haunt everyone at the end of the month. 

So what is VoIP?

How does a VoIP phone work? We will discuss all these in the blog post below. After which you will be thrilled to learn the amount of cash saved.

Shall we start?

What Is VoIP? The Newbie’s Guide to Voice over IP

VoIP or voice-over internet protocol is a set of standards that promotes voice-based phone calls to any location by using an internet connection, instead of a telephone.

And, this voice-over IP technology converts your voice signals into digital before transmitting them over the web, thus allowing users to make calls using a broadband connection.

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How Does VoIP Work? Introduction To VoIP Phone Systems

The technology behind its work is simple. To be right, a VoIP call is like talking on the phone as usual but using an internet connection. 

Now, let us see in detail its working clature:

Talking digitally: When you speak into a VoIP phone or device, your voice turns into digital signals, just like how music becomes MP3 files.  

Sending data: These digital signals then get split into tiny packets. Each piece travels over the internet with a label saying who’s talking and who’s listening.

Internet journey: Then these packets or pieces use your internet connection to reach the VoIP company’s computers.

VoIP vs. Landline — Differences

In the section below, we will speak first about Traditional Landlines. These landlines rely on a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) that makes use of copper wires to send voice calls.

These systems are simple and offer good quality. However, they have limited features and are pricier than VoIP. But how is VoIP cheaper?

 Types of VoIP Technologies + How They Work

1. Hosted VoIP for business

  • A hosted VoIP phone system makes use of multiple devices that comprises smartphones and others within a cloud phone system, or cloud PBX.
  • In such a case, admins control the entire setup and give permissions using an interface.

2. SIP trunking for PBX phone systems

  • While some companies use hybrid systems to replace hardwired phone lines, others use VoIP – SIP trunking to set up multiple internet lines.
  • These SIP trunks manage calls between the VoIP provider and the business, directly switching inbound and outbound calls.

3. Mobile devices & Wi-Fi connectivity

  • Since the growth of mobile technology, unified communication has grown substantially well.
  • Paving way for remote and mobile workers who can handle business calls using a VoIP app from anywhere.

Top VoIP Phone Features

VoIP phone systems, in addition to cost saving functionality, offers other features like:

1. Call Management

  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD): An ACD directs calls to available agents based on set criteria thus boosting quicker response time.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Uses automated menus or logs to guide callers thereby reducing waiting times.

2. Collaboration and mobility

  • Video Conferencing: Easily fosters face-to-face interactions with colleagues or clients, regardless of the location.
  • Voicemail-to-Email: Receives voicemail messages right to your inbox that allows you to respond via voice message.

3. Integration and customization:

  • CRM Integration: Syncs call data with CRM software.
  • Instant Messaging: Allows agents to immediately exchange text messages with customers.

Key Benefits of Using VoIP Systems

Below are some of the top benefits of using a VoIP phone systems:

1. Cost Savings: Compared to traditional phone systems, it lowers call costs for all international phone lines.

2. Scalability: Allows to easily add or remove lines and features whenever business grows.

3. Improved Features: Gives access to advanced features like call forwarding and video conferencing.

4. Better Collaboration: Facilitates seamless collaboration among team members, irrespective of location.

5. HD-quality Calls: Allows to add quality within calls when there is a stable internet connection.

VoIP Phone System Requirements

If you are thinking of setting up a VoIP phone system for your business, then here are few requirements:

1. Hardware

Modem & Router – It is these that allows VoIP systems to send and receive data.

SIP Phones – All the VoIP phones are SIP phones that help service providers to establish phone calls.

Softphones – You can make VoIP calls using a cellphone, laptop, and desktop.

2. Internet Connection

Quality Connection – A stable internet connectivity is important for VoIP calls. Therefore, a minimum of 100 Mbps is required. Best is to go for fiber optic.

Bandwidth – VoIP calls require less bandwidth than doing a live streaming. Therefore, a standard bandwidth is 100 Kbps per device.

3. Software

VoIP Service Provider – Always choose the right VoIP phone system provider that offers call recording, forwarding, voice mail, and other features.

Provisioning Software – Your choice of VoIP should provision your phones and help configure your system.

Selecting the Right VoIP Phone System

After reading all these, your next big question can be how to choose the right VoIP phone system when there are so many in the market.

Well, the answer to it is to simply use MirrorFly’s powerful SIP/VoIP solution for great voice calling experiences. And here’s how the provider is known to be the best:

  • 100% Customizable- Personalize any feature on your VoIP calling app.
  • Call Configuration – Configure VoIP calls to meet the needs of your users.
  • Hot Desking – Enable users of your company to use the same IP phones

Wrapping Up!

To wrap up, VoIP technology has revolutionized the way businesses interact with customers as it offers flexible and cost effective options. 

Plus, VoIP renders greater benefits than the traditional phone lines with just a stable internet connection. So, whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, VoIP can improve communication capabilities, streamline support operations, and offer connected experience.

But, you can experience all these with the right VoIP provider. So, ready to make a switch? Try MirrorFly!

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Gomathi Ramachandran

Gomathi is a product marketing buff, who is passionate about bringing meaningful strategies and approaches that redefines the modern messaging experience for users. She loves exploring the world of in-app communication with all of her heart.

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