Other Chat Feature

Clear Chat Messages#

After clicking the header of chat component navigate to the profile/group info screen.

Note : If the Clear Chat Messages feature is not available on your plan then it will not display in the profile/group info screen on the Mirrorfly-Uikit.

Follow the below steps to Clear the single or group chat messages:

Step 1 : We click on the Clear chat button it shows the confirmation popup.


Step 2 : If you click the clear button from the confirmation popup, then the chat messages would be clear.

Delete Chat#

After clicking the header of chat component navigate to the profile/group info screen.

Note : If the Delete Chat feature is not available on your plan then it will not display in the profile/group info screen on the Mirrorfly-Uikit.

Follow the below steps to Delete the single or group chat messages:

Note : Delete chat button available in group only if the user exit/removed from the group.

Step 1 : We click on the Delete chat button it shows the confirmation popup.


Step 2 : If you click the delete button from the confirmation popup, then the chat message would be delete.

Copy Chat Messages#

Copy message component makes you to copy the selected message for single and group chat messages.

If you want to copy the message then you click arrow menu from right corner of the message.


Once you click on copy option from the menu then the selected message will be copied to the clipboard and we can paste it anywhere we want.

Delete Chat Messages#

Delete message is a feature that is found in modern messaging apps that allows the user to delete the message once it is sent. Once you sent the message, you can able to delete the messages by using built-in SDK methods.

Note : If the Delete Chat Message feature is not available on your plan then it will not display in drop down menu on the Mirrorfly-Uikit.

Delete for Me#

If you want to delete the messages then you click arrow menu from right corner of the message.


Select the multiple message if you want to delete the messages and click on delete icon after selecting the messages it shows a popup.


Once you click on Delete for me button from the popup then the seleted messages will be deleted.

Note : The messages will not be deleted from the recipient.

Delete for Everyone#

If you want to delete the messages for own and the receiver then you click arrow menu from right corner of the message. The messages will also be deleted from the recipient.


Select the multiple message if you want to delete the messages and click on delete icon after selecting the messages it shows a popup.


Once you click on Delete For Everyone button from the popup then the seleted messages will be deleted.

Translate chat messages#

Translate messages is a feature which allows users to translate the received text, image and video caption message. If you want to translate the text and image/video captions messages in the chat conversation screen, then you can refer the below image.

Translate option will be availabe under Settings โ†’ Chats โ†’ Translate Message


Mute Chat#

To Mute the chat use below steps which disables the notification for the chat when the new messages are received or any action on group chat.

After clicking the header of chat component navigate to the group info screen.


If you enable the mute toggle then it disabled the notifications for the chat when the new messages are received or any action on group chat.

Block Contact#

If you want to block the contact from your chat then open view user profile, you can see the block contact option. After you choose the block contact option then the popup will show block and cancel button. If you select block then you both are not able to continue the chat


Unblock User#

If you want to unblock the blocked user then you choose the unblock contact option in view user profile. After unblock the contact then you are able to continue the chat


If you enable the mute toggle then it disabled the notifications for the chat when the new messages are received or any action on group chat.