Making audio call

Call feature is essential for the modern day communication. Call sdk allows users to make a audio/video call with the another sdk users.

Make a voice call#

Initiate a call by providing the callee’s user JID into the makeVoiceCall method. Once the call initiated successfully, a callStatusListener callback will be triggered and callee user call status will be received here.

Step 1 : When you click on the call Logs icon in Sidebar Section It shows the callLog screen and Fab icon in bottom.


Step 2 : When you click on the Fab icon and select audio call icon then it opens contact list.

Step 3 : Click on call now button after selecting the contact from contact list.

Step 4 : Call Should be initiated and notify the respective user once they connected then they will navigates to calling screen


Note : If Calls feature is unavailable for your plan then it will not display in Mirrorfly-Uikit.