Let's integrate our UIKIT in few minutes

Quick Start#

SDK UIKit for React Native#

Mirrorfly UIKit Sdk is a set of prebuilt UI components that allows you to easily integrate an in-app chat with all the essential messaging features.


The requirements for chat SDK for React Native Mobile App are:

  • React-Native >= 0.73.0 <=0.75.4
  • Node Version >= 18.20.4
  • npm - 10.7.0

Things to be Noted Before Making a Start#

SDK License Key#

Before integrating CONTUS MirrorFly Chat SDK, you need to have a SDK license key for your MirrorFly application. This SDK needs to be authenticated by the MirrorFly server using the license key for further processing.

To get the License Key,#

Step 1: Register here to get a MirrorFly User account. Registration is subject to verification and would take up to 24 hours.

Step 2: Login to your Account

Step 3: Get the License key from the application Infoโ€™ section



Download the mirrorfly-uikit-react-native (https://github.com/MirrorFly/MirrorFly-ReactNative-Sample).

Step 1: Create a new React Native project or Open an existing project and copy the src from downloaded project folder to your project.

Adding dependencies#

Note : Before installing the patch-package need to download the patch files and paste that files in root folder.

Download Patch Files

Step 2: Open terminal and install patch-package with npm command 'npm i patch-package -f' and check package.json whether the dependency is added.

"dependencies": {
"patch-package": "^8.0.0",

Step 3: After installing the patch-package add the below lines in package.json under scripts

"scripts": {
"prepare": "patch-package"

Step 4: Please use our UIKIT code and implemetation https://github.com/MirrorFly/MirrorFly-ReactNative-Sample and check package.json whether the dependency is added.

"dependencies": {
"mirrorfly-reactnative-sdk": โ€œ^1.0.19โ€,
"react-native": >= 0.73.0 <=0.75.4,

Step 5: Open the metro.config.js and update the code as mentioned below.

const {getDefaultConfig} = require('metro-config');
module.exports = (async () => {
const {
resolver: {sourceExts, assetExts},
} = await getDefaultConfig();
return {
transformer: {
getTransformOptions: async () => ({
transform: {
experimentalImportSupport: false,
inlineRequires: true,
resolver: {
assetExts: assetExts.filter(ext => ext !== 'svg'),
sourceExts: [...sourceExts, 'svg', 'cjs'],

Step 6: Install required dependencies enter the following code on the command line for adding the below dependencies in package.Json.

Note : realm@10.8.0 must use the realm version 10.8.0 in v 0.69.12,
if errors occurs like this > Task :realm:send FAILED, Add the following line in this file <app>/android/settings.gradle


Note : if errors occurs like this > could not invoke RNAndroidLocationEnabler.promptForEnableLocationIfNeeded. found interface com.google.android.gms.location.settingsclient, but class was expected (declaration of 'com.google.android.gms.location.SettingsClient' appears in /data/app/~~dQIJYPyV_0zb5PG-2RsSMg==/applicationId-s0 mk9yoRtp0KWm9j-w-wQ==/ base.apk),

Add the following line in this file <app>/android/build.gradle

allprojects {
repositories {
//** add this line
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force "com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:21.0.1"

Step 7: Install all the dependencies in terminal

npm i @notifee/react-native@9.1.3 \
@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll@7.8.4 \
@react-native-clipboard/clipboard@1.15.0 \
@react-native-community/checkbox@0.5.17 \
@react-native-community/netinfo@11.4.1 \
@react-native-firebase/app@21.6.0 \
@react-native-firebase/messaging@21.6.0 \
@react-navigation/native@6.1.17 \
@react-navigation/native-stack@6.9.26 \
@reduxjs/toolkit@2.2.3 \
emoji-datasource@15.1.2 \
mirrorfly-reactnative-sdk@1.0.19 \
moment@2.30.1 \
react-native-camera@4.2.1 \
react-native-compressor@1.9.0 \
react-native-contacts@8.0.4 \
react-native-convert-ph-asset@1.0.3 \
react-native-create-thumbnail@2.0.0 \
react-native-document-picker@9.3.1 \
react-native-file-viewer@2.1.5 \
react-native-fs@2.20.0 \
react-native-gesture-handler@2.21.2 \
react-native-get-random-values@1.11.0 \
react-native-heic-converter@1.3.3 \
react-native-image-crop-picker@0.41.5 \
react-native-maps@1.7.1 \
react-native-pager-view@6.4.1 \
react-native-permissions@5.2.1 \
react-native-progress@5.0.1 \
react-native-safe-area-context@4.14.0 \
react-native-screens@4.3.0 \
react-native-simple-toast@3.3.1 \
react-native-sound@0.11.2 \
react-native-svg@15.9.0 \
react-native-svg-transformer@1.3.0 \
react-native-tab-view@3.5.2 \
react-native-video@5.2.1 \
react-redux@9.1.2 \
rn-fetch-blob@0.12.0 \
realm@20.1.0 \
react-native-image-zoom-viewer@3.0.1 \
@react-native-community/checkbox@0.5.17 \
react-native-incall-manager@4.1.0 \
react-native-webrtc@124.0.4 \
react-native-keep-awake@4.0.0 \
react-native-raw-bottom-sheet@2.2.1 \
react-native-background-timer@2.4.1 \
react-native-headphone-detection \
react-native-voip-push-notification@3.3.2 \
react-native-material-menu@2.0.0 \
react-native-keyevent@0.3.2 \
react-native-ringer-mode@2.0.1 \
react-native-simple-toast@3.3.1 \
react-native-geolocation-service@5.3.1 \
react-native-geocoder@0.5.0 --legacy-peer-deps

Note: Follow the installation instruction for the @react-native-firebase package

Step 8: You can check here about what are the permissions.

Change Android dependency#

Step 9: Add the below lines in android app folder build.gradle file under android defaultConfig.

android {
defaultConfig {
//Add these below lines
missingDimensionStrategy 'react-native-camera', 'general'
multiDexEnabled true

Change iOS dependency#

Step 11: Add the below lines in ios app folder Podfile file under target 'app_name' do.

config = use_native_modules!
$RNFirebaseAsStaticFramework = true <== Add this line
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static <== Add this line
# :flipper_configuration => FlipperConfiguration.enabled, <== if this line exists comment it

Step 12: After installing the react-native-permissions add the below lines in package.json and run the command npx react-native setup-ios-permissions

"reactNativePermissionsIOS": [

Step 13: Import ChatApp component from the mirrorfly-uikit-react-native.

The apiUrl and licenseKey details can get it from the 'Overview' section in the mirrorfly Console dashboard.


Initialize MirrorFly React Native UIKit#

To initialize the mirrorfly, place the below code in your App.js file inside useEffect.

import { mirrorflyInitialize } from "from downloaded src folder"
function App() {
React.useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const initializeResponse = await mirrorflyInitialize({
apiBaseUrl: API_URL,
licenseKey: LICENSE_KEY,
isSandbox: true,
callBack: res => {
}, []);
export default App;
LICENSE_KEYStringset your licence key
API_URLStringset your base url
callBackfunctionCall back function
import { MirrorflyComponent } from "from downloaded src folder"
function YourComponent() {
return (
<MirrorflyComponent />;
export default YourComponent;

Note : Great!!! We are now end of the Quick Start section. For Advanced options. Click Here