Update Profile

Update Profile is a feature that allows users to update their profile. one can click plus button in recent chat to go settings, from setting can go and update their profile.


The MFUIUpdateProfileViewController is a class that is used to build update profile screen.

In the MFUIUpdateProfileViewController class, MFUIUpdateProfileModule and its components are used to create update profiles view. The module is composed of three components: headerComponent, imageViewComponent and listViewcomponent

Property nameType

Update Profile Theme#

Custom theme Class MFUpdateProfileTheme and MFUserProfileTheme is used to change the theme of Update profile controller. The following table shows a customizable property of MFUpdateProfileTheme to set font and colors.

property NameDescription
ProfileTitleColorThe text color of the profile name.
ProfileTitleFontThe text font of the profile name.
SaveButtonTitleColorThe text color of Save Button
SaveButtonTitleFontThe text font of Save Button

The following table shows a customizable property of MFUserProfileTheme to set font and colors of MFUserProfileCell

property NameDescription

|userTitleColor | The text color of user profile title| |userdescriptionColor | The text color of user descripiton| |userTitleFont | The text font of user profile title| |userDescriptionFont | The text font of user descripiton| |underLineColor | The line color between user's each title and description|

Customize MFUIStringSet#

The following table shows a customizable property of MFUIStringSet that appears in the update profile Screen. The MFUIStringSet is a set of strings used to compose a view. You need to modify the stringSet values in advance if you want to make changes to the view.

Property nameDescription
EmailA text that refers to text of email Label
Mobile_NumberA text that refers to text of Mobile Number Label
remove_photoA text that refers to title of Profile Update Screen
profileTitleA text that refers to title of Profile Update Screen

Customize MFUIIconSet#

The following table shows a customizable reply message icon.

Icon nameDescription
ic_emailAn icon used for Email.
ic_phoneAn icon used for Mobile number.