Style Class documentation
There are some model class which defines and structures the entity which are used in this UIKIT.
AppStyle ClassDefines the styling for various pages in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
profileViewStyle | ProfileViewStyle? | Defines the style for the profile view page. |
dashBoardPageStyle | DashBoardPageStyle? | Defines the style for the dashboard page. |
chatPageStyle | ChatPageStyle? | Defines the style for the chat page. |
messageInfoPageStyle | MessageInfoPageStyle? | Defines the style for the message info page. |
chatInfoPageStyle | ChatInfoPageStyle? | Defines the style for the chat info page. |
viewAllMediaPageStyle | ViewAllMediaPageStyle? | Defines the style for the view all media page. |
groupChatInfoPageStyle | GroupChatInfoPageStyle? | Defines the style for the group chat info page. |
contactListPageStyle | ContactListPageStyle? | Defines the style for the contact list page. |
archivedChatsPageStyle | ArchivedChatsPageStyle? | Defines the style for the archived chats page. |
createGroupPageStyle | CreateGroupPageStyle? | Defines the style for the create group page. |
dialogStyle | DialogStyle? | Defines the style for dialogs. |
settingsPageStyle | SettingsPageStyle? | Defines the style for the settings page. |
blockedListPageStyle | BlockedListPageStyle? | Defines the style for the blocked list page. |
starredMessageListPageStyle | StarredMessageListPageStyle? | Defines the style for the starred message list page. |
outgoingCallPageStyle | OutgoingCallPageStyle? | Defines the style for the outgoing call page. |
callAgainPageStyle | CallAgainPageStyle? | Defines the style for the call again page. |
ongoingCallPageStyle | OngoingCallPageStyle? | Defines the style for the ongoing call page. |
addParticipantsPageStyle | AddParticipantsPageStyle? | Defines the style for the add participants page. |
AppColor ClassDefines the color palette for the application.
Property | Type | Description |
primaryColor | Color | Defines the primary color for the application. |
DashBoardPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the dashboard page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
tabBarTheme | TabBarTheme | Defines the theme for the tab bar. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
tabItemStyle | TabItemStyle | Defines the style for tab items. |
archivedTileStyle | ArchivedTileStyle | Defines the style for archived tiles. |
titlesTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for titles. |
recentChatItemStyle | RecentChatItemStyle | Defines the style for recent chat items. |
callHistoryItemStyle | CallHistoryItemStyle | Defines the style for call history items. |
createMeetLinkStyle | CreateMeetLinkStyle | Defines the style for creating meet links. |
meetBottomSheetStyle | MeetBottomSheetStyle | Defines the style for the meet bottom sheet. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for "no data" messages. |
popupMenuThemeData | PopupMenuThemeData | Defines the theme for popup menus. |
contactItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for contact items. |
floatingActionButtonThemeData | FloatingActionButtonThemeData | Defines the theme for floating action buttons. |
EditTextFieldStyle ClassDefines the style for the edit text field.
Property | Type | Description |
editTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the edit text. |
editTextHintStyle | TextStyle | Defines the hint text style for the edit text. |
titleStyle | TextStyle? | Defines the title text style for the edit text. |
TabItemStyle ClassDefines the style for tab items.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for tab items. |
countIndicatorStyle | CountIndicatorStyle | Defines the style for the count indicator. |
CountIndicatorStyle ClassDefines the style for the count indicator.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the count indicator. |
bgColor | Color | Defines the background color for the count indicator. |
radius | double? | Defines the radius for the count indicator. |
ArchivedTileStyle ClassDefines the style for archived tiles.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for archived tiles. |
countTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the count in archived tiles. |
RecentChatItemStyle ClassDefines the style for recent chat items.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
subtitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the subtitle. |
spanTextColor | Color | Defines the color for span text. |
typingTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for typing text. |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for time. |
unreadCountBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for unread count. |
unreadCountTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for unread count. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
unreadColor | Color | Defines the color for unread items. |
selectedBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for selected items. |
unselectedBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for unselected items. |
CallHistoryItemStyle ClassDefines the style for call history items.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
subtitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the subtitle. |
durationTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the duration. |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for icons. |
selectedBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for selected items. |
unselectedBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for unselected items. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
CreateMeetLinkStyle ClassDefines the style for creating meet links.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the meet link. |
subTitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the subtitle text style for the meet link. |
iconDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the icon. |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon. |
MeetBottomSheetStyle ClassDefines the style for the meet bottom sheet.
Property | Type | Description |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
meetLinkTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the meet link. |
subTitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the subtitle text style. |
meetLinkDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the meet link. |
copyIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the copy icon. |
scheduleMeetToggleStyle | ScheduleMeetToggleStyle | Defines the style for the schedule meet toggle. |
joinMeetingButtonStyle | ButtonStyle? | Defines the style for the join meeting button. |
ScheduleMeetToggleStyle ClassDefines the style for the schedule meet toggle.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the toggle. |
toggleStyle | ToggleStyle | Defines the style for the toggle. |
ToggleStyle ClassDefines the style for the toggle.
Property | Type | Description |
activeColor | Color | Defines the color for the active state. |
inactiveColor | Color | Defines the color for the inactive state. |
activeToggleColor | Color | Defines the color for the active toggle. |
inactiveToggleColor | Color | Defines the color for the inactive toggle. |
CopyMeetLinkStyle ClassDefines the style for copying meet links.
Property | Type | Description |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
linkTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the link. |
leadingStyle | CustomIconStyle | Defines the style for the leading icon. |
copyIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the copy icon. |
CustomIconStyle ClassDefines the style for custom icons.
Property | Type | Description |
iconDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the icon.(applicable if exists in UI) |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon.(applicable if exists in UI) |
ContactListPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the contact list page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
contactItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for contact items. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
actionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for actions. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for "no data" messages. |
buttonDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for buttons. |
buttonTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for button text. |
buttonIconColor | Color | Defines the color for button icons. |
popupMenuThemeData | PopupMenuThemeData | Defines the theme for popup menus. |
ContactItemStyle ClassDefines the style for contact items.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
descriptionStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the description. |
actionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for actions. |
spanTextColor | Color | Defines the color for span text. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
checkBoxShape | OutlinedBorder | Defines the shape for the checkbox. |
ArchivedChatsPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the archived chats page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
recentChatItemStyle | RecentChatItemStyle | Defines the style for recent chat items. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for "no data" messages. |
ChatPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the chat page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
chatUserAppBarStyle | ChatUserAppBarStyle | Defines the style for the chat user app bar. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
messageTypingAreaStyle | MessageTypingAreaStyle | Defines the style for the message typing area. |
notificationMessageViewStyle | NotificationMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for notification messages. |
chatSelectionBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for chat selection. |
senderChatBubbleStyle | SenderChatBubbleStyle | Defines the style for sender chat bubbles. |
receiverChatBubbleStyle | ReceiverChatBubbleStyle | Defines the style for receiver chat bubbles. |
attachmentViewStyle | AttachmentViewStyle | Defines the style for the attachment view. |
popupMenuThemeData | PopupMenuThemeData | Defines the theme for popup menus. |
chatPageBackgroundDecoration | Decoration? | Defines the background decoration |
ChatUserAppBarStyle ClassDefines the style for the chat user app bar.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
subtitleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the subtitle. |
SenderChatBubbleStyle ClassDefines the style for sender chat bubbles.
Property | Type | Description |
textMessageViewStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for text messages. |
imageMessageViewStyle | ImageMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for image messages. |
videoMessageViewStyle | VideoMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for video messages. |
audioMessageViewStyle | AudioMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for audio messages. |
docMessageViewStyle | DocMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for document messages. |
contactMessageViewStyle | ContactMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for contact messages. |
locationMessageViewStyle | LocationMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for location messages. |
replyHeaderMessageViewStyle | ReplyHeaderMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for reply header messages. |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the chat bubble. |
ReceiverChatBubbleStyle ClassDefines the style for receiver chat bubbles.
Property | Type | Description |
participantNameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the participant name. |
textMessageViewStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for text messages. |
imageMessageViewStyle | ImageMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for image messages. |
videoMessageViewStyle | VideoMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for video messages. |
audioMessageViewStyle | AudioMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for audio messages. |
docMessageViewStyle | DocMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for document messages. |
contactMessageViewStyle | ContactMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for contact messages. |
locationMessageViewStyle | LocationMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for location messages. |
replyHeaderMessageViewStyle | ReplyHeaderMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for reply header messages. |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the chat bubble. |
AttachmentViewStyle ClassDefines the style for the attachment view.
Property | Type | Description |
bgColor | Color | Defines the background color. |
shapeBorder | ShapeBorder | Defines the shape border. |
documentStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for document icons. |
cameraStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for camera icons. |
galleryStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for gallery icons. |
audioStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for audio icons. |
contactStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for contact icons. |
locationStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for location icons. |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style. |
MessageTypingAreaStyle ClassDefines the styling for the message typing area in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
textFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the text field. |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the typing area. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
sentIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the sent icon. |
audioRecordIcon | IconStyle | Defines the style for the audio record icon. |
rippleColor | Color | Defines the color for the ripple effect. |
attachmentIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the attachment icon. |
emojiIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the emoji icon. |
replyHeaderMessageViewStyle | ReplyHeaderMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for the reply header message view. |
replyBgColor | Color | Defines the background color for the reply. |
audioRecordingViewStyle | AudioRecordingViewStyle | Defines the style for the audio recording view. |
bgColor | Color | Defines the background color. |
AudioRecordingViewStyle ClassDefines the style for the audio recording view.
Property | Type | Description |
durationTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the duration. |
cancelTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the cancel button. |
NotificationMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for notification messages.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the notification. |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the notification. |
ReplyHeaderMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for the reply header message view.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the reply header. |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
contentTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the content. |
mediaIconStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for the media icon. |
borderRadius | BorderRadius | Defines the border radius. |
LocationMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for location messages.
Property | Type | Description |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the time. |
locationBorderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Defines the border radius for the location. |
ContactMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for contact messages.
Property | Type | Description |
textMessageViewStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for the text message. |
viewTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the view. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
TextMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for text messages.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the text message. |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the time. |
highlightColor | Color | Defines the highlight color. |
urlMessageColor | Color | Defines the color for URL messages. |
callLinkViewStyle | CallLinkViewStyle | Defines the style for call link view. |
DownloadUploadViewStyle ClassDefines the style for download and upload views.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the view. |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the view. |
progressIndicatorThemeData | ProgressIndicatorThemeData | Defines the theme for the progress indicator. |
iconStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for the icon. |
DocMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for document messages.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the document message. |
fileTextStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for the file text. |
sizeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the size. |
downloadUploadViewStyle | DownloadUploadViewStyle | Defines the style for the download/upload view. |
VideoMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for video messages.
Property | Type | Description |
captionTextViewStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for the caption text. |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the time. |
videoBorderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Defines the border radius for the video. |
downloadUploadViewStyle | DownloadUploadViewStyle | Defines the style for the download/upload view. |
ImageMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for image messages.
Property | Type | Description |
captionTextViewStyle | TextMessageViewStyle | Defines the style for the caption text. |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the time. |
imageBorderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Defines the border radius for the image. |
downloadUploadViewStyle | DownloadUploadViewStyle | Defines the style for the download/upload view. |
AudioMessageViewStyle ClassDefines the style for audio messages.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the audio message. |
durationTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the duration. |
sliderThemeData | SliderThemeData | Defines the theme for the slider. |
timeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the time. |
downloadUploadViewStyle | DownloadUploadViewStyle | Defines the style for the download/upload view. |
iconStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for the icon. |
CallLinkViewStyle ClassDefines the style for call link views.
Property | Type | Description |
decoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the call link view. |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call link view. |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon. |
IconStyle ClassDefines the style for icons.
Property | Type | Description |
bgColor | Color | Defines the background color for the icon.(applicable if exists in UI) |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon.(applicable if exists in UI) |
borderColor | Color | Defines the border color for the icon.(applicable if exists in UI) |
DialogStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the dialog in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundColor | Color | Defines the background color of the dialog. |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
contentTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the content. |
buttonStyle | ButtonStyle | Defines the style for buttons. |
shape | ShapeBorder | Defines the shape of the dialog. |
headerContainerDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the header container.(applicable if exists in UI) |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for icons.(applicable if exists in UI) |
LocationSentPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the location sent page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
addressLine1Style | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the first address line. |
addressLine2Style | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the second address line. |
floatingActionButtonThemeData | FloatingActionButtonThemeData | Defines the theme for the floating action button. |
ChatInfoPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the chat info page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
silverAppbarTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the silver app bar title. |
silverAppBarSubTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the silver app bar subtitle. |
silverAppBarIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the silver app bar icons. |
muteNotificationStyle | MuteNotificationStyle | Defines the style for mute notifications. |
optionsViewStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the options view. |
viewAllMediaStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "view all media" section. |
reportUserStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "report user" section. |
GroupChatInfoPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the group chat info page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
silverAppbarTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the silver app bar title. |
silverAppBarSubTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the silver app bar subtitle. |
silverAppBarIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the silver app bar icons. |
muteNotificationStyle | MuteNotificationStyle | Defines the style for mute notifications. |
groupMemberStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for group members. |
addParticipantStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "add participant" section. |
viewAllMediaStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "view all media" section. |
reportGroupStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "report group" section. |
leaveGroupStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for the "leave group" section. |
MuteNotificationStyle ClassDefines the style for mute notifications.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the mute notification text. |
toggleStyle | ToggleStyle | Defines the style for the toggle switch. |
ContactItemStyle ClassDefines the style for contact items.
Property | Type | Description |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
descriptionStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the description. |
actionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the action text. |
MuteNotificationStyle ClassDefines the style for mute notifications.
Property | Type | Description |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the mute notification text. |
toggleStyle | ToggleStyle | Defines the style for the toggle switch. |
GalleryPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the gallery page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
buttonDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for buttons. |
ViewAllMediaPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the "View All Media" page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
tabBarTheme | TabBarTheme | Defines the theme for the tab bar. |
tabItemStyle | TabItemStyle | Defines the style for tab items. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the "no data" message. |
groupedMediaItem | GroupedMediaItemStyle | Defines the style for grouped media items. |
GroupedMediaItemStyle ClassDefines the style for grouped media items.
Property | Type | Description |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
mediaImageItemStyle | MediaItemStyle | Defines the style for media image items. |
mediaVideoItemStyle | MediaItemStyle | Defines the style for media video items. |
mediaAudioItemStyle | MediaItemStyle | Defines the style for media audio items. |
documentItemStyle | DocumentItemStyle | Defines the style for document items. |
linkItemStyle | LinkItemStyle | Defines the style for link items. |
MediaItemStyle ClassDefines the style for media items.
Property | Type | Description |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon. |
bgColor | Color | Defines the background color. |
DocumentItemStyle ClassDefines the style for document items.
Property | Type | Description |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
sizeTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the size. |
dateTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the date. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
LinkItemStyle ClassDefines the style for link items.
Property | Type | Description |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
descriptionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the description. |
linkTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the link. |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for the icon. |
outerDecoration | Decoration | Defines the outer decoration. |
innerDecoration | Decoration | Defines the inner decoration. |
iconDecoration | Decoration | Defines the icon decoration. |
ProfileViewStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the profile view page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
cameraIconStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for the camera icon. |
nameTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the name text field. |
emailTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the email text field. |
mobileTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the mobile text field. |
statusTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the status text field. |
buttonStyle | ButtonStyle | Defines the style for buttons. |
bottomSheetCardTheme | CardTheme | Defines the theme for the bottom sheet card. |
optionStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for options. |
optionsTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the options text. |
MediaSentPreviewPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the media sent preview page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
scaffoldBackgroundColor | Color | Defines the background color for the scaffold. |
chatUserAppBarStyle | ChatUserAppBarStyle | Defines the style for the chat user app bar. |
textFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the text field. |
iconColor | Color | Defines the color for icons. |
sentIcon | FloatingActionButtonThemeData | Defines the theme for the sent icon. |
nameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the name. |
ChatUserAppBarStyle ClassDefines the style for the chat user app bar.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
EditTextFieldStyle ClassDefines the style for the edit text field.
Property | Type | Description |
editTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the edit text. |
editTextHintStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the edit text hint. |
LocalContactPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the local contact page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the "no data" message. |
contactItemStyle | LocalContactItem | Defines the style for contact items. |
selectedContactItemStyle | LocalContactItem | Defines the style for selected contact items. |
floatingActionButtonThemeData | FloatingActionButtonThemeData | Defines the theme for the floating action button. |
LocalContactItem ClassDefines the style for local contact items.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
LocalContactPreviewPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the local contact preview page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
contactItemStyle | LocalContactItem | Defines the style for contact items. |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for list items. |
floatingActionButtonThemeData | FloatingActionButtonThemeData | Defines the theme for the floating action button. |
LocalContactItem ClassDefines the style for local contact items.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
titleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
CreateGroupPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the create group page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appbarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
actionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for action text. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
cameraIconStyle | IconStyle | Defines the style for the camera icon. |
nameTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the name text field. |
counterTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the counter. |
emojiColor | Color | Defines the color for emojis. |
MessageInfoPageStyle ClassDefines the styles for the Message Info Page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
senderChatBubbleStyle | SenderChatBubbleStyle | Defines the style for the sender chat bubble. |
deliveredTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the delivered title. |
deliveredMsgTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the delivered message title. |
readTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the read title. |
readMsgTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the read message title. |
deliveredItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for the delivered item. |
readItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for the read item. |
SettingsPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the settings page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Defines the style for list items. |
ListItemStyle ClassDefines the style for list items.
Property | Type | Description |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the title. |
descriptionTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the description. |
leadingIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the leading icon. |
trailingIconColor | Color | Defines the color for the trailing icon. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for the divider. |
StarredMessageListPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the starred message list page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the "no data" message. |
starredMessageUserHeaderStyle | StarredMessageUserHeaderStyle | Defines the style for the user header in starred messages. |
receiverChatBubbleStyle | ReceiverChatBubbleStyle | Defines the style for the receiver chat bubble. |
senderChatBubbleStyle | SenderChatBubbleStyle | Defines the style for the sender chat bubble. |
popupMenuThemeData | PopupMenuThemeData | Defines the theme for the popup menu. |
StarredMessageUserHeaderStyle ClassDefines the style for the user header in starred messages.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size for the profile image. |
profileNameStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the profile name. |
dateTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the date. |
BlockedListPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for various components of the blocked list page in the application.
Property | Type | Description |
appbarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
blockedUserItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for blocked user items. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the "no data" message. |
OngoingCallPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the ongoing call page.
Property | Type | Description |
actionIconColor | Color | Defines the color for action icons. |
backgroundDecoration | Decoration | Defines the background decoration. |
callerNameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the caller's name. |
callDurationTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call duration. |
callStatusTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call status. |
pinnedCallUserTileStyle | CallUserTileStyle | Defines the style for the pinned call user tile. |
listCallUserTileStyle | CallUserTileStyle | Defines the style for the list call user tile. |
gridCallUserTileStyle | CallUserTileStyle | Defines the style for the grid call user tile. |
actionButtonsStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for action buttons. |
disconnectButtonStyle | ButtonStyle | Defines the style for the disconnect button. |
CallUserTileStyle ClassDefines the styling for a call user tile.
Property | Type | Description |
borderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry | Defines the border radius. |
backgroundColor | Color | Defines the background color. |
profileImageSize | int | Defines the size of the profile image. |
nameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the name. |
muteActionStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for the mute action button. |
speakingIndicatorStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for the speaking indicator. |
callStatusTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call status. |
OutgoingCallPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the outgoing call page.
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundDecoration | Decoration | Defines the background decoration. |
callStatusTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call status. |
callerNameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the caller's name. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
profileRippleColor | Color | Defines the color for the profile ripple effect. |
actionButtonsStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for action buttons. |
disconnectButtonStyle | ButtonStyle | Defines the style for the disconnect button. |
ActionButtonStyle ClassDefines the styling for action buttons.
Property | Type | Description |
inactiveBgColor | Color | Defines the background color when inactive. |
activeBgColor | Color | Defines the background color when active. |
inactiveIconColor | Color | Defines the icon color when inactive. |
activeIconColor | Color | Defines the icon color when active. |
shape | ShapeBorder | Defines the shape of the button. |
CallAgainPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the call again page.
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundDecoration | Decoration | Defines the background decoration. |
callStatusTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the call status. |
callerNameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the caller's name. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
bottomActionsContainerDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for the bottom actions container. |
bottomActionsContainerTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the bottom actions container. |
cancelActionStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for the cancel action button. |
callAgainActionStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for the call again action button. |
actionsTitleStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the actions title. |
CallInfoPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the call info page.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
popupMenuThemeData | PopupMenuThemeData | Defines the theme data for popup menus. |
callHistoryItemStyle | CallHistoryItemStyle | Defines the style for call history items. |
contactItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for contact items. |
AddParticipantsPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the add participants page.
Property | Type | Description |
appBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Defines the theme for the app bar. |
tabBarTheme | TabBarTheme | Defines the theme for the tab bar. |
searchTextFieldStyle | EditTextFieldStyle | Defines the style for the search text field. |
tabItemStyle | TabItemStyle | Defines the style for tab items. |
contactItemStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for contact items. |
copyMeetLinkStyle | ContactItemStyle | Defines the style for the copy meet link. |
participantItemStyle | ParticipantItemStyle | Defines the style for participant items. |
noDataTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for no data message. |
buttonDecoration | Decoration | Defines the decoration for buttons. |
buttonTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for button text. |
buttonIconColor | Color | Defines the color for button icons. |
ParticipantItemStyle ClassDefines the styling for a participant item.
Property | Type | Description |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
textStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the participant name. |
actionStyle | ActionButtonStyle ` | Defines the style for action buttons. |
dividerColor | Color | Defines the color for dividers. |
JoinCallPreviewPageStyle ClassDefines the styling for the join call preview page.
Property | Type | Description |
backgroundDecoration | Decoration | Defines the background decoration. |
callerNameTextStyle | TextStyle | Defines the text style for the caller's name. |
profileImageSize | Size | Defines the size of the profile image. |
actionButtonsStyle | ActionButtonStyle | Defines the style for action buttons. |
joinCallButtonStyle | ButtonStyle | Defines the style for the join call button. |