

Note : If Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.

Attachment is a feature that allows users to send images,videos, documents and audios. Attachment appears in the message input field region of the FlyChatFragment class.

In MirrorFly UIKit for Android, there are currently four type of file messages that users can send : image, video, documents and audio. These attachment files can be shared with other members in the single chat or group chat from the sender’s mobile device.

Gallery select option available in the attachment#


Image & Video Attachment#

Note : If Image & Video Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.

image_attach video_attach

Documents Attachment#

Note : If Documents Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.


Audio Message#

Note : If Audio Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.

To send audio as a message clicks the microphone icon given in the Message input box to record the audio. Once audio recored tap the send icon button to send the audio message.


Contact Attachment#

Note : If Contact Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.

To send the contact as a message clicks the attachment icon given in the Message input box to navigate to the contact page. Select the contact from the list and preview the selected contact and then send the contact message. contact_message

Location Attachment#

Note : If Location Attachment feature unavailable for your plan then it will not display in FlyChatFragment.

To send the location as a message clicks the attachment icon given in the Message input box to navigate to the user location page. Select the location by dragging location pin or by clicking particular location in google map and then send the location message.

Step 1: Add the below dependencies required by the SDK in the app/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
implementation ''
implementation ''

Step 2: Open the AndroidManifest.xml and add below key for google map Location Sharing.

android:value="API_KEY" />
Location Sharing Screen.#


View All Media#

View All Media is a feature that allows users to view the sent and received images, videos, documents and audios. View All Media appears in the User info and Group info.

Use the intent to move from one activity to the ViewAllMediaActivity using the unique JID of the chat as follows:

startActivity(ViewAllMediaActivity.newIntent(requireContext(), "jid"))


Preview screen regions#

HeaderActs as an ActionBar in the activity. By default, it displays the back navigation button, preview name text, as well as two buttons on the left and right, which are all customizable. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called to take the user to the media picker of the MeidaPickerActivity. If the right button is clicked, current image in the screen will be deleted
ViewPagerUIKit provides swipe option to see the selected imges.
Caption(Message) input fieldEnables users to send a image with caption message which are all customizable

Image Preview Screen#


Video Post Preview Screen#



StyleSet is the list of styles provided by MirrorFly UIKit. Customizing the style of Image attachment list items is straightforward: Simply inherit the MirrorFly UIKit-defined styles, then override the res/values/styles.xml or res/values/themes.xml file from the list below.

For example, the MessageInput, AppBar, theme can be changed by overriding the Widget.MirrorFly.MessageInput.

Listed below are all the Attachment style used in UIKit for Android. Styles can be changed by overwriting the res/values/styles.xml or res/values/themes.xml files with the same name.

<resources xmlns:tools="">
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="Theme.MFUIKITTest" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/purple_500</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryVariant">@color/purple_700</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/primary_300</item>
<item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/white</item>
<item name="colorSecondary">@color/teal_200</item>
<item name="colorSecondaryVariant">@color/teal_700</item>
<item name="colorOnSecondary">@color/black</item>
<item name="android:statusBarColor" tools:targetApi="l">?attr/colorPrimaryVariant</item>
<!-- UIKit Single/Group Chat style theme. -->
<item name="mf_message_input_style">@style/Widget.MirrorFly.MessageInput</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_style">@style/Widget.MirrorFly.AppBar</item>
<!-- Image attachment MessageInput theme. -->
<style name="Widget.MirrorFly.MessageInput">
<item name="mf_message_input_background">@color/background_50</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_text_background">@drawable/mf_message_input_text_background_light</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_text_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyBody3OnLight01</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_text_hint_color">@drawable/selector_message_input_hint_text_color</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_text_cursor_drawable">@drawable/mf_message_input_cursor_light</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_enable">true</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_left_button_tint">@color/mf_selector_input_add_color_light</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_left_button_background">@drawable/mf_button_uncontained_background_light</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_right_button_tint">@color/primary_300</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_right_button_background">@drawable/mf_button_uncontained_background_light</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_quote_reply_title_text_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyCaption1OnLight01</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_quoted_message_text_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyCaption2OnLight03</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_quote_reply_right_icon">@drawable/icon_close</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_quote_reply_right_icon_tint">@color/onlight_02</item>
<item name="mf_message_input_quote_reply_right_icon_background">@drawable/mf_button_uncontained_background_light</item>
<!-- Image attachment AppBar theme. -->
<style name="Widget.MirrorFly.AppBar">
<item name="android:background">@color/error_200</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_title_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyH2OnLight01</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_description_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyCaption2OnLight02</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_button_tint">@color/white</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_divider_color">@color/onlight_04</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_left_button_text_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyButtonPrimary300</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_left_button_text_color">@color/mf_button_uncontained_text_color_light</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_left_button_tint">@color/white</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_left_button_background">@drawable/mf_button_uncontained_background_light</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_right_button_text_appearance">@style/MirrorFlyButtonPrimary300</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_right_button_text_color">@color/mf_button_uncontained_text_color_light</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_right_button_tint">@color/white</item>
<item name="mf_appbar_right_button_background">@drawable/mf_button_uncontained_background_light</item>
<!--Audio Sender SeekBar-->
<style name="SenderSeekBarStyle">
<item name="android:progressDrawable">@drawable/drawable_sender_seek_bar_track</item>
<item name="android:thumb">@drawable/drawable_recipient_seek_bar_thumb</item>
<item name="android:thumbOffset">16dp</item>
<item name="android:max">100</item>
<item name="android:progress">0</item>
<item name="android:focusable">true</item>
<item name="android:clickable">true</item>
<item name="android:minWidth">100dp</item>
<!--Audio Receiver SeekBar-->
<style name="RecipientSeekBarStyle">
<item name="android:progressDrawable">@drawable/drawable_recipient_seek_bar_track</item>
<item name="android:thumb">@drawable/drawable_recipient_seek_bar_thumb</item>
<item name="android:thumbOffset">16dp</item>
<item name="android:max">100</item>
<item name="android:progress">0</item>
<item name="android:focusable">true</item>
<item name="android:clickable">true</item>
<item name="android:minWidth">100dp</item>


Listed below are all the strings used in UIKit Image & Video attachement for Android. Strings can be changed by overwriting the res/values/strings.xml files with the same name.

<!-- Image attachment List -->
<string name="mf_text_header_preview">Preview</string>
<string name="mf_preview_caption">Add a caption...</string>
<!-- View All Media Screen -->
<string name="title_media">Media</string>
<string name="title_docs">Docs</string>
<string name="title_links">Links</string>
<string name="label_no_media">No Media Found…!!!</string>
<string name="label_no_docs">No Docs Found…!!!</string>
<string name="label_no_links">No Links Found…!!!</string>


Listed below are all the icons used in UIKit Image & Video attachment for Android. Icons can be changed by overwriting the res/drawable files with the same name.

Icon nameImageDescription
ic_delete_mediaic_deleteIcon of delete
ic_add_more_mediaic_add_more_mediaIcon of delete
icon_sendSendIcon of Message Send.
icon_arrow_leftBackGoes back to the previous page.
ic_microphoneic_microphoneIcon shows to record the audio
ic_audio_recording_iconic_audio_recording_iconIcon shows the recording state of audio
ic_audio_recordic_audio_recording_iconIcon shows audio is recorded
ic_audio_record_deleteic_audio_record_deleteIcon is to delete the recored audio
ic_play_audio_recipientic_play_audio_recipientIcon to play the recored audio on the sender side
ic_audio_music_iconic_audio_music_iconIcon of audio music
ic_cancel_greyic_cancel_greyIcon to cancel the upload or download
ic_file_download_greyic_file_download_greyIcon to download the audio
ic_file_upload_lightic_file_upload_lightIcon to upload the audio
ic_file_upload_lightic_file_upload_lightIcon to upload the audio
ic_profileic_profileIcon shows in the contact message


Listed below are all the drawable used in the UIKit Image and Video attachment & Audio recoridng for Android. Icons can be changed by overwriting the res/drawable files with the same name.

Drawable nameDescription
drawable_audio_message_sender_background.xmlTo change shape of sender background : Audio
drawable_audio_message_background.xmlTo change shape of receiver background : Audio
bg_download_progress.xmlTo change layout of progress bar : Audio
horizontal_file_receiver_progress_bar.xmlTo change horizontal line of progress bar : Audio Receiver
horizontal_file_sender_progress_bar.xmlTo change horizontal line of progress bar : Audio Sender