Retrieve Group Details

Get Group Profile Detail#

To get the Profile detail of the group, send a request as described below. Once the request is made successfully, an groupProfileListener callback will be triggered and a group profile response will be received.

await SDK.getGroupProfile(`GROUP_JID`);

Request Params#

GROUP_JIDGrouop JIDJID Stringtrue

Get Group Participants#

To get the all the group members, send a request as described below.

await SDK.getGroupParticipants(`GROUP_JID`);

Response Format:#

data: {
groupJid: "" // String Group Jid
participants: [
itemId: "", // String - Item Id - Unique Id for the Participant for Group
userId: "", // String - User Id (Without Domain)
userJid: "", // String - User Jid (With Domain)
userType: "", // String - User Type - value "o" - Admin of the Group/ "n" -Member of the Group
userProfile: {
image: "", // String - User Image
nickName: "", // String - User Nick Name
name: "", // String - User Name
email: "", // String - User Email
status: "", // String - User Status
mobileNumber: "", // String - User Mobile Number
thumbImage: "" // String - User ThumbImage
timestamp: 1681185232000 // Number TimeStamp - Milliseconds

Request Params#

GROUP_JIDGrouop JIDJID Stringtrue