Update Group Profile

Update group name#

User can able to update group name whenever they want by using the below method.

Mirrorfly.updateGroupName(jid: GROUP_JID,name: GROUP_NAME, flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
//Update the UI
GROUP_JIDStringjid of the group
GROUP_NAMEStringnew name for the group which has to updated
flyCallbackFlyResponsecallback to observe the action status

Update group profile image#

User can able to update group profile image whenever they want by using the below method.

To update group profile image as either file or by using uploaded image id:

Mirrorfly.updateGroupProfileImage(jid:GROUP_JID,file: IMAGE_FILE_PATH, flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
//Update the UI
GROUP_JIDStringJid of the group
IMAGE_FILE_PATHStringFile path of the group profile image
flyCallbackFlyResponsecallback to observe the action status

Remove group profile image#

User can able to remove group profile image whenever they want by using the below method.

Mirrorfly.removeGroupProfileImage(jid:GROUP_JID, flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
//Update the UI
GROUP_JIDStringJid of the group
flyCallbackFlyResponsecallback to observe the action status