Callback listeners
Observing the message events IndividuallyUse the event listeners for all the message related events, so that you can update the UI immediately based on the message events.Once you have sent the message via sdk, you will get the callbacks for message status events. This is common for both single chat and groups.
There can be used as multiple message listener at a time, if you set multiple times using the below method it will not replace the old listener.
Event Listener for Incoming Message#
Event Listener for Edit Message#
Event Listener for Message Status Updates#
Event Listener for Media Message Status Updates#
Event Listener for Media Message Upload/Download Progress Updates#
Event Listener for Message Notification's#
User came onlineIf a user came online then the following method will be triggered.
User went offineIf a user went offline then the following method will be triggered.
User typing statusTo observe the typing status changes, you can use the below method to setup the listener.
Available Features statusTo observe the available features based on your subscription, you can use the below method to setup the listener.
For group, message status will be updated only if all the participants sent the delivery/seen status.
Observing the message events CollectivelyAssign the listener to the appropriate class to receive event updates. Extend the class and implement the necessary event listeners collectively for streamlined integration you can register your own listener by using the below method. This is common for both single chat and groups.
There can be only one message listener at a time, if you set multiple times using the below method it will replace the old listener always.