Modify Group Names with MirrorFly Android SDK | Guide

Update group name#

User can able to update group name whenever they want by using the below method.

GroupManager.updateGroupName(GROUP_JID,GROUP_NAME, LISTENER);
GROUP_JIDStringjid of the group
GROUP_NAMEStringnew name for the group which has to updated
LISTENERChatActionListenerlistener callback to observe the action status

Update group profile image#

User can able to update group profile image whenever they want by using the below method.

To update group profile image as either file or by using uploaded image id:

GroupManager.updateGroupProfileImage(GROUP_JID,IMAGE_FILE, LISTENER);
GroupManager.updateGroupProfileImage(GROUP_JID,IMAGE_ID, LISTENER);
GROUP_JIDStringJid of the group
IMAGE_FILEFileFile object of the group profile image
IMAGE_IDStringnew profile image as a url which has to updated for the group
LISTENERChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status

Remove group profile image#

User can able to remove group profile image whenever they want by using the below method.

GroupManager.removeGroupProfileImage(GROUP_JID, LISTENER);
GROUP_JIDStringJid of the group
LISTENERChatActionListenercallback to observe the action status

If there is no internet or the connection between chat server and the app isn't made group update functionality will be executed locally once the connection is restored it will be updated for other group members and in the server.